Royal Tea Cafe

Tapioca Drinks & Vietnamese Cuisine


Welcome to the Royal Tea Cafe website! At our restaurant, you will experience delicious Vietnamese cuisine and tapioca drinks at a great price. Browse through the menu options and learn more about our restaurant by clicking on the tabs above.

We are conveniently located in Jersey Village off of 290 at North Gessner Rd. and Philippine St.

We look forward to seeing you soon for lunch or dinner.

Contact Us
(832) 486-9453
Facebook: royalteacafegessner

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri:  10:00 am - 6:30 pm
  Sat:  11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday:  11:00 am - 5:00 pm 

© 2019 Royal Tea Cafe  |  All rights reserved
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